认为 2 0 0 3年煤炭行业经济运行具有“五高三低”的特点 ,即煤炭产量高、煤炭需求量高、煤炭国际贸易高、煤炭价格高、煤炭销售收入高 ,但大中型煤矿生产能力低、电煤价格市场化程度低、煤矿安全生产水平低。预计 2 0 0 4年煤炭产量会高增长但增速缓慢。
The author holds a point that the characteristics of coal economy operation in 2003 can be summarized as five high: high production, high demand, high international trade volume, high price and high sales revenue, and three low: low capacity of large-medium mine, low marketlization degree of coal for power generation and low level of work safety. And the author predicts that production of 2004 will have a high increase, but the increase speed will slow down.
China Coal