目的 :测定腔隙性脑梗死颅内血管血流动力参数。方法 :采用经颅多谱勒 (TCD)对 30 0例经CT或MRI确诊的腔隙性脑梗死患者的颅内各主要动脉进行测定。结果 :30 0例腔隙性脑梗死TCD表现 :血流速度缓慢、供血不足 6 5 % ,血流速度异常增高 2 2 % ,血流速度正常 13%。结论 :多发性腔隙性脑梗死以双侧血流速度峰值对称性下降为主 (P <0 0 5 ) ,单发性腔隙性脑梗死由于侧支循环建立 ,血流速度峰值多正常 (P <0 0 5 ) ,腔隙性脑梗死引起的血流速度异常增高的病因多为高血压 ,TCD可作为腔隙性脑梗死的必要检测手段之一。
Objective:To observe parameters of chinky cerebral infarction on flow dynamics of intracrinial blood vessels.Methods:Cranial arteries flow parameters in 300 patients with chinky cerebral infarction diagnosed by CT or MRI were examined by Transcranial Doppld(TCD).Results:In 300 patients with chinky cerebral infarction,flow-velocity decreased in 194 cases (65%),unusually increased in 65 cases(22%),and still maintained normal in 41 cases (13%).Conclusions:The peak flow-velocity of intracrinial arteries in patients with multiple chinky cerebral infarction decreases symmetrically,that in patients with single chinky cerebral infarction maintains normal because of construction of branch circulation.The peak flow-velocity increases mainly in hypertention patients with chinky cerebral infarction. The results indicate that TCD will be one of the necessary detective way to chinky cerebral infarction.
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice