不同的标准衍生了政府与反思型研究者对待高等教育规模与质量关系的不同倾向。比照现实的情况 ,可以发现对峙双方所持标准的片面性。这引起我们对“标准的标准”的思考。无论以“规模” ,还是以“质量”为标准 ,标准本身必须具有合理性诉求。合理性的标准应秉持历史批判和自我批判的态度 ,这又预示着标准必然是不断变动的。“随机而变”体现的是互竞双方的机敏与谦虚 ,也是双方相互理解 ,求得共识的途径。因此 ,流动的、认同批判的和渐进的思维则是“随机而变”过程中不可或缺的。
There are verious points, about the relation between quantity and quality of high education because of different standards. Comparing with reality, each point has its own limitation. It leads us to think the question of “the standard of standard'. Any standard firstly must be reasonable. Rational standard should have the attitude of historical criticism and self-criticism. It means that the standard always is changing. Knowing to change shows the wittiness and modest, and it needs tolerant with other people who holds opposite view. To acquire understanding among all people that ensures the successful practice ,we all need hold a “flow” “approval criticism” and “step by step” thinking.
Modern University Education