目的:探讨急性重度一氧化碳(CO)中毒时血浆β-内啡肽(β-EP)变化及纳洛酮治疗效果。方法:急性重度CO中毒患者52例随机分为两组:A组(常规治疗组)和B组(纳洛酮治疗组);分别在入院时、治疗后6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h、72 h测定血浆β-EP水平,并观察患者苏醒时间。结果:急性重度CO中毒时血浆β-EP水平明显升高;纳洛酮治疗组患者血浆β-EP水平下降较常规治疗组明显增快;同时,纳洛酮治疗组患者苏醒时间较常规治疗组明显缩短。结论:急性重度CO中毒时血浆β-EP水平明显升高;纳洛酮治疗能快速降低β-EP水平,从而使患者尽快苏醒。
Objective: To explore the change of plasma bata-endorphin and the effect of naloxone in patients with acute severe CO toxicity. Methods:52 cases of acute severe CO toxicity were randomly divided in two groups: group A (regular treated group)and group B (naloxone treated group);checking the plasma bata-endorphin level at hospitalization, 6、12、 24、 48、 72 hours after treatment and observed the patient's revivescent lime. Results:The plasma bata-endorphin level of acute severe CO toxicity patients apparently increased;The decrease of plasma bata-endorphin level in naloxone treated group is obviously faster than that of regular treated group; The patients revivescent time of naloxone treated group is obviously shorter than that of regular treated group. Conclusion:The plasma bata-endorphin level is obviously increased in acute severe CO toxicity patients; naloxone therapy can rapidly decrease the level of bata-endorphin and made the patients revive as faster as possible.
Lingnan Journal of Emergency Medicine