与统编教材配套的系列人体生理学电子教案紧贴教学大纲 ,以PowerPoint为媒体 ,制作编辑了数百幅动画和精美的图片 ,形象直观 ,使学生能很好地掌握课本中的重点和难点问题。该教案使用方便 ,且能在网络上运行 ,在实践中取得了良好的教学效果。
Series of electronic teaching plan of human physiology is highly based on text book published,in which hundreds of flashes and beautiful pictures are complied in a powerPoint-way. It gives students direct and vivid impression and helps them master the main points and deal with the difficulties easily. It can also be used freely and operated in the network. Actually,it has achieved excellent effect in practice.
Pharmaceutical Education