曾子认为“孝”是德之根本 ,一切教化均由此生。孝是做人之要道 ;孝是天下之至德。孝不局限于家 ,大孝使天下人敬养父母 ,万众安康。孝贵在恒常 ,充溢于正道与正气中。曾子孝道观成为中国历史上主要治国方略之一 ,对后世影响绵远流长。国内各民族 ,周边国家、地区无不奉行孝悌之道 ,其已成为友好相处的道德基础。包括孝悌在内的中华民族优秀文化传统 ,更是海峡两岸必然统一的思想基础与文化动力。
Zeng Zi postulates that filial piety is the basis of ethics and civilization. It is filial pietythat enlightens human beings with moral lessons. Filial piety does not only confine to individual families, but also stimulates communities with its righteousness and long-term effects of obedience. Zeng Zi and his postulates of filial piety have long been a dominant concept for many rulers of China, thus helping her nationals to live friendly and harmoniously with others even across the boundaries. Likewise, the writer of this paper assumes that the filial piety will serve as a moral basis for the cross-straits cultural activities that will lead to the national uniformity.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)