高技能人才是指从事技术性职业 ,具有本职业高级工、技师、高级技师相应技能水平 ,并持有相应职业资格证书的人员。宁波高级技术人才队伍建设虽然取得了一定成绩 ,但远不能适应工业化和城市化发展要求。宁波进一步培育高级技能人才应采取如下对策 :以能力为本的人才观 ,完善技能人才评价与使用机制 ,坚持开发、培养、引进三结合 ,构建企业、院校和社会共同培养网络 。
Highly-skilled talents refer to those engaged in technical profession with relevant skills as senior technicians and qualification certificates. Though achievements have been made in the construction of a highly-skilled talent team, we still fail to meet the requirements of industrialization and urbanization. To cope with the problems, Ningbo shall take the measures such as improving the mechanism to evaluate and employ highly-skilled talents with skill-oriented notion, adhering to the integration of development, training and introduction, constructing the network of co-training talents by enterprise, university and society and innovating the training mechanism of such talents.
2 0 0 3年宁波市社科重点课题<宁波市高技能人才队伍建设问题研究>(项目编号:J2 0 0 3A30 )