
克隆人:不可逾越的伦理禁区 被引量:53

Human Cloning: An Insurmountable Ethical Limit
摘要 本文围绕关于克隆人的伦理问题这一主题 ,首先从技术层面阐述了克隆人实验所面临的无可逾越的伦理难关 ;然后依照人们之所以要求克隆人的四项理据来具体分析克隆行为是如何损害被克隆者的公民权益的 ,如他的惟一性、独特性大大降低 ,其自我欲求、需要、生存价值将受到限制 ,其作为道德主体所应拥有的自主性、自决权及与他人一样的平等地位将遭到无情的否定 ,从而得出禁止克隆人已经成为我们社会的一项新的道德命令的结论 ;最后从克隆人问题的论争中 ,引发出对现代化运动的核心价值诉求、公民社会的根本伦理原则以及伦理学在这个史无前例的科技时代的重要功能和神圣使命等问题的一些理论探索。 There is an insurmountable ethical limit for experiments with human cloning. Cloning humans in itself violates the civil rights of the cloned. A clone lacks the personal individuality and uniqueness that other human beings enjoy. He/she would be seriously impeded in terms of his/her desires, needs and values as a human being, and deprived of autonomy, the rights of self determination and equality that are indispensable of a moral subject. Consequently, it is a new moral imperative in our society to forbid human cloning. Debates on the subject give rise to theoretical explorations into such questions as the values at the core of modernization, the essential ethical principles of a civil society, and the important role and sacred mission of ethics in our unprecedented time of science and technology.
作者 甘绍平
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期55-65,共11页 Social Sciences in China
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