中国现行行政诉讼法规定的普通程序过于侧重在法律外在层面上强调公正 ,而如何使行政诉讼更加简便、有效是目前学界与实践界着力探讨的话题。构建行政诉讼简易程序既可以合理配置有限的司法资源 ,又可以给公民提供充分、畅通的救济渠道。
How to realize simplicity, convenience and efficiency has now become an issue that greatly interests both the academic circles and legal practitioners, as the common procedure in China's existing administrative procedure law attaches too much importance to the external legal justice. The author holds that to construct the summary procedure can let us make full use of judicial resources reasonably and provide citizens with easy access to full remedy as well and that in establishing the summary procedure, we should pay great attention to such aspects as the protection of each party's rights and the linkage with the common procedure.