在 2 0世纪初叶 ,中国的政局发生了极大的变动 ,爆发了以推翻封建君主政体、建立资产阶级共和政体为宗旨的革命 ,从而使中国在早期政治现代化的进程中迈出了极其关键的一步。而以留日学生为主体的青年知识分子群体 ,在这历史的重要时刻 ,发挥了生力军的作用。可以讲 :“如果没有留日学生 ,则中国革命 ,特别是辛亥革命 ,是难有进展的” ,“东京 (留日中国 )学生实为中华民国最有功之人。
In the early 20th century, there were great changes i n Chinese political situation, the re- vol ution,which was to exterminate the feudatorial throne regime and establish the capitalist republic regime and which enabled China to stride an important step forward in the course of Chinese earl y political modernization,broke out. With the main body of the Chinese students studying in Japan, the youth clerisy played a vital role at the crucial moment o f history. We can say that 'if it were not for the Chinese students studying in Japan at t hat time, Chinese revolution, especially the Revolution of 1911 would hardly suc ceed', 'the Chinese students studying in Japan at that time were the most merit orious people of the Republic of China'.
The Northern Forum
the changes in the political situation of the late Qin g Dynasty
the Chinese students studying in Japan
influence and contributions