战时上海“第三国”势力主要指英美等国掌控的公共租界当局。太平洋战争爆发前 ,日方总的原则是 ,一切以争取对华战争的胜利为前提 ,在不发生正面的大规模冲突的前提下 ,尽量使英、美、法等第三国保持中立。同时 ,采取多种手段 ,逐渐削弱、排挤英美在上海的势力 ,最后达到其独占的目的。全面占领租界后 ,日方更是无所不用其极 ,疯狂侵占英美等国的经济利益 ,努力消除其政治影响。英美终战时 8年 ,虽时有妥协之举 ,但为了其自身的利益 ,为了不轻易放弃在华、尤其是在上海等地的势力和影响 。
The influences of 'the third countries' during Anti Japanese War mainly refers to the public concessions which were mastered by Britain, the United States and France. The general principles of Japan before the Pacific War was to seek the victory of the war in China, and tried to make Britain, the United States and France keeping neutral. Meanwhile, they tried hard to weaken the influence of Britain and America in Shanghai in order to occupy Shanghai by itself. When the concessions were occupied, they tried by every means to exploit the economic interests of Britain and America there and to clear away their political influences. During the war, Britain and the United States denounced Japanese occupation of Shanghai for their own interests and had never recognized the puppet regime there.
Collected Papers of History Studies