退耕还林工程是我国林业建设史上涉及面最广、政策性最强、任务最重、群众参与度最高的生态建设工程。它是“三个代表”重要思想在生态和林业建设方面的体现。退耕还林工程的顺利实施将有助于我国生产力的全面升级、有助于先进文化的丰富和完善、有助于从根本上保障最广大人民的根本利益。国务院颁布实施的《退耕还林条例》是保障退耕还林政策的重要举措 ,应该得到切实履行 。
It is said that the program of conversion of cultivated land back into forestry is the ecological project of the widest involvement, the most powerful in policy, the hardest in task and the highest in participation. The program is also the embodiment of the important thought of “Three Represents” in the field of ecology and forestry. The success of the program will help to upgrade the productivity completely, enrich the advanced culture and protect the fundamental interest of the people. The Regulation of Conversion of Cultivated Land Back Into Forestry is the guarantee of the continuity and stability of central government's policies. It must be actually implemented and incrementally improve itself during the process.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences
教育部人文社会科学研究 2 0 0 2年度专项研究任务项目<西部大开发中退耕还林政策的总体评估>( 0 2JD790 0 0 4)的阶段性成果
Three Represents”
conversion of cultivated land back into forestry
The Regulation of Conversion of Cultivated Land Back Into Forestry