通过对浙江省1988 ~ 2002年的森林火灾报表和1991年以来的森林火灾档案表整理分析预测浙江省森林火灾的发生发展趋势:一是浙江省森林火灾发生的次数总体呈下降趋势;二是森林火灾的火源从生产性火源逐渐转向非生产性火源;三是肇事者趋向老龄化;四是林区内可燃物积累丰厚,发生重、特大森林火灾趋势在增加;五是气候异常,森林火灾多发概率在增大.针对浙江省森林火灾发生规律与发展趋势,提出了森林防火工作的对策.
Analysis on forest fire records from 1988 to 2002 in Zhejiang province demonstrated trends of follows: the occurrence of forest fire has decreased; the causes of forest fire turned from productive to non-productive; old-age troublemaker; rich forest fuel will increase possibility of serious forest fire; climatic anomaly will have close relation with frequency of forest fire. Based on result above-mentioned, countermeasures were proposed.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology