金融超市作为一种全新的经营方式已成为发达国家商业银行发展的新趋势。目前 ,在我国构建金融超市是我国银行业不断深化改革 ,逐步走向市场化、国际化的必然选择。积极创造条件 ,采取各种有效的促进措施 ,加快发展金融超市的步伐 。
As a completely new business method,the'financial supermarket'has become a new trend for commercial banks in the developed countries.At present,it is a necessary choice to build financial supermarkets,which will reform the banking industry,making it more internationally marketwise.Our policies are mainly directed by creating conditions with activities,taking effective kinds of promotional measures and speeding up the pace of developing financial supermarket. The main contents of this article are:Firstly,to explain the concept and traits which are reflected within business,all kinds of cost and financial supervision;Secondly,to analyze the current state of the financial market in our country;Lastly,to think about and provide advice for the development of the'financial supermarket'in our country.
Journal of Modern Information