背景:目前研究认为,Mr 70000热休克蛋白(HSP 70)是缺氧缺血的敏感指标。单唾液酸四已糖神经节苷脂(Monosialotetrahexosylganglioside,GM_1)是哺乳类神经节苷脂的主要种类,HSP70及GM_1在新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤(hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)中的作用及机制目前尚不清楚。 目的:研究新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤(hypoxia-ischemia brain damage,HIBD)后海马CA_1区Mr70000热休克蛋白(HSP70)表达、病理学损伤变化和外源性GM_1对其的影响。 设计:完全随机对照的实验研究。 地点、材料和干预:本实验在解放军第四军医大学航空医学系及第四军医大学西京医院病理科完成。实验采用7日龄SD乳鼠。按随机抽签法分成3组,正常对照组6只,缺氧缺血组24只,缺血后治疗组24只。干预:建立HIBD模型,用免疫组化及苏木素-伊红(HE)染色方法检测缺氧缺血和GM_1干预后不同时间点脑海马组织HSP70阳性细胞及病理学改变。 主要观察指标:正常大鼠、缺氧缺血大鼠及缺氧缺后给予GM_1大鼠的海马CA_1区HSP70染色程度及神经损伤分级比较。 结果:HI后新生大鼠海马CA_1区仅能检出少量阳性HSP核蛋白,呈1级染色,海马CA_1区神经元呈较严重的缺血损伤性改变,损伤程度达3~4级。而GM1组可见应激蛋白HSP 70明显表达,24h达高峰,呈2~3级染色;
BACKGROUND:As present study shows that heat shock protein Mr 70 000 (HSP 70) is a sensitive index for hypoxia-ischemia.Monosialotetrahexo-sylgangliosid(GM1)is a primary kind of ganglioside in mammalia.The effect and mechanism of HSP 70 and GM1 in newborn infants with Hypoxic-ischemic en-cephalopathy have not yet been determined.
OBJECTIVE:To study the expression of HSP 70,pathological damage changes,and the affluence of exogenous GM1 in CA1 region of hippocampus following hypoxia-ischemia brain damage(HIBD)in neonatal rats.DESIGN:Completely random comparison experiment study.SETTING and PARTICIPANTS:The experiment was accomplished in the Department of Aviation Medicine and the Department of Pathology in Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University.Seven-day-old SD neonatal rats were applied in the experiment and randomly divided into three groups:normal control group( n = 6),hypoxia-ischemia group( n =24),treatment group after ischemia ( n=24).INTERVENTION Establish HIBD models and use immunohistochemical and haematoxylin and eosin(HE) staining to detect the HSP 70 positive cells as well as pathological changes in hippocampus tissue at different time points following hypoxia-ischemia and the GM1 intervention.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Staining intensity and neural damage grading of HSP 70 in CA1 region of hippocampus were compared among normal,hypoxia-ischemia,and GM1 treatmrnt groups.
RESULTS:A little positive HSP nucleoprotein was detected in hippocampal CAi region in the neonatal rats after hypoxia-ischemia,which was stained of grade 1,the neuron in this area presented serious ischemia damage around grade 3-4,while in GM1 treatment group,the expression of irritable protein HSP 70 was highly improved and reached its peek at 24 hour with staining of grade 2-3;and the degree of neural damage was 0-2 grade.CONCLUSION:GM1 can up-regulate HSP 70 expression in hippocampal CA1 region in neonatal rats,reduce the pathological damage of cerebral hypoxia-ischemia,and play a protective role in neonatal rats with HIE.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation