本文探讨了水分胁迫对结荚期花生荚果发育的影响。为期两年(1997/98和1998/99)的试验是在农牧学院(国立R姫oCuarto大学)试验场开展的。目的是量化与水分胁迫有关的物候因子的变化与花生荚果发育的关系。试验采用的是生育期为150d的兰娜型花生品种。荚果发育水平分别通过成熟度和荚果干重两方面来定性和定量衡量。水分胁迫对荚果发育的影响表现为改变发育起始阶段时间、荚果发育速率和生育期、成熟度和最终产量。两年的试验结果相似,主要结果取自处理S2(开花下针期进行干旱处理),包括花期延长,下针结果期延迟11~13d,降低荚果发育速率(11.5~12.6mg·d 1,对照为17.0mg·d 1),以及降低荚果最终产量。
This paper shows the response of peanut to water stress on pod growth during reproductive development. The two-year (1997/98 and 1998/99) experiments were carried out in experimental plot of Agricultural and Veterinary Faculty (National University of Río Cuarto). It aimed at quantifying pod growth and phenological changes associated with water stress. Cultivar used was runner type of 150 days from sowing to harvest. Pod growth was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively through changes of maturity grade and changes in pod dry weight, respectively. Water stress modified pod growth by changing the time of start linear phase, pod growth rate and growth duration, maturity degree and final weight. These results were similar in both years, and the main effects were registered in treatment S2 (drought during flowering and peg formation phases). They include detaining of flowering, delaying in peg and pod growth (among 11 and 13 days), decreasing of pod growth rate (11.5 and 12.6 mg.day^(-1), compared with 17.0 mg.day^(-1) in control), and reducing of final pod weight.
Journal of Peanut Science