本文报道的羊柴白粉病(Leveillula leguminosarum Golov.),是羊柴病害新记录之一。在内蒙古西部地区,对羊柴产草量和种子产量及品质均造成严重威胁。适期早割并割净,减少田间越冬菌源,是减轻翌年发病的重要措施。对不能适期早割的种子田,可用粉锈宁等药剂防治。
Here informed is one of the new record of diseases on sweetvetch-powdery mildew(leveillula leguminosarum goiov). In the western parts NMAB,this disease always causes heavy damares to sweetvetch either with hay yield or with the quantity and quality of seed production. To cut the sweetvetch in time,to cut the plant clean, to decrease the winter survival microbes of the disease, would beeffective measures to reduce the disease nex year. As for the seed field that can not be harvested and cut in early time, could apply the fungicides such as mildew killer and rusticide.
Grassland of China