
乌拉圭林业的经验与启示 被引量:4

Introduction to Forestry Development in Uruguay
摘要 近 10多年来乌拉圭林业迅速崛起 ,成为潜在的世界木材主要出口国。意识到国际市场上木材需求量不断增长、价格稳定 ,1987年调整林业发展方向 ,重点发展出口导向型商业人工林。借鉴新西兰和智利的经验 ,通过补贴造林、减免税收、软贷款等优惠政策和刺激措施 ,加上地势平坦、气候土壤条件优越、人力资源素质高、社会经济秩序稳定以及交通便利 ,吸引了众多国内外投资者对人工林的大量投资 ,投资的年内部收益率大约是 14 %~ 2 7%。但是 ,大量采用桉树和松树等外来树种营建速生丰产林 ,会面临地力衰退和生物多样性丧失的危险。 Uruguay is one of the few countries in the world that bases its forestry development exclusively on the production of renewable forestry plantations. Realizing the world wood demand will rapidly increase and good price of wood products,Uruguay readjusted its forestry development objective to industrial plantations in 1987 when issued its new Forest Law. Following the models of Chile and New Zealand,a package of forest policies have been formulated,including the subsidies and 'soft' loans for reforestation on its Forestry Priority Areas,exemption from land taxes for plantations,no tax on capital gains from plantations,and duty free for importation of equipment and supplies utilized in plantations. Due to the particularly suitable soil and climate,well-educated workforce,solid reputation among investors,positive governmental support and incentives for forestry projects and foreign investments,and good transportation facilities,forestry in Uruguay has developed extraordinarily fast and highly competitively in recent decade. It is believed that the country is a potential source to satisfy world demand for wood products. Estimated annualized internal rate of return on plantation investment ranges from 16% to 27% for eucalypts,and 14% to 21% for pines. However,large-scale application of exotic species in plantations will increase the risks in the decline of land productivity and lose of biodiversity.
作者 江泽平 夏军
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期49-53,共5页 World Forestry Research
关键词 乌拉圭 林业 森林资源 人工林发展 林分面积 投资回报率 forestry,tree plantation,eucalyptus,pinus Uruguay
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