本文为划界问题的研究提供了一个重要的案例分析。通过分析美国联邦法院审理阿肯色“ 5 90法案”采用的科学划界标准以及鲁斯与劳丹和奎恩之间的争论 ,可以使我们深刻地认识到划界标准的理论探讨与司法运用之间存在着巨大的差距 ,以及划界问题与反伪科学之间的密切联系。本文赞同将划界标准看做是一个动态的、不断完善的发展过程 ,而不是去消解划界问题。
In this article, we will defense the argument about the problem of demarcation between science and non-science or pseudoscience by analyzing the criteria of science used by the Judge William Overton and their controversies between Michael Ruse and Larry Laudan or Philip Quin. Our standpoints are, it is necessary for society to anti-pseudoscience, and possible to make relative criteria of demarcation, such as Thagard's although universal ones would not be built once for all. Compared with law making, there are no perfect laws in any society, but each one needs them.
Journal of Dialectics of Nature