真理概念处于人类文明的核心。但阐明真理概念的本性的工作 ,虽经历代哲学家们殚精竭虑的努力 ,迄今仍未取得令人满意的结果。这显示了真理概念的深度和复杂性。从我们今天的观点来看 ,真理概念可分为常识真理和科学真理 ,常识真理又可细分为一般真理和实指条件下的真理。实指条件下的真理概念是本义的真理概念 ,它仅是符合论适用而其他真理理论并不适用的领域。本文力图通过对实指条件下真理概念之基本语义作用的深入系统的分析 ,阐明构成本义真理概念关键环节的“符合”直觉之实质内容 ,以此对其他真理概念的语义分析奠定一个稳固的基础。
The notion of truth lies in the heart of human civilization. But the efforts of philosophers in every age to explicate the nature of truth, for a long and hard course, have not yet gained satisfactory effect. This shows profundity and complication of the notion of truth. Generally speaking, the notion of truth could be reduced into both the concept of scientific truth and the concept of common sense; the latter could be further reduced into both the general truth and the truth in ostensive contexts. The concept of truth in ostensive contexts is the original concept of truth. This paper, through independent and systematic analysis of the semantic role played by the true sentences in the ostensive contexts, tries to light upon what is the essential content of the intuition 'correspondence'constituting the central point of the original concept of truth, and then to explain rigorously why the true sentences can report things as they really are.
Journal of Dialectics of Nature