In Hetao plain,we seeded eighteen cultivars of salt-hardiness forage crops such as alkaligrasses(Puccinellia tenuiflora/p. chinampossis)and legumes in the heavy/less heavy salino-alkali soils of sulphates and chlorides for years. The results of our experiments show that cultivars of alkaligrasses,useful barnyardgrass(Echinochloa utilis) and drill-shaped barley(Hordeum brevisubulatum) are the finest tolerants in our plots. In the area where soils are rich in sulphates(salts about 5% in the A-horizon with pH9. 0 more or less),their seeding rates can reach 80~90% and with plant rates above 95% as well as in the area where soils are rich in chlorides. Such soils must be plowed in fall and irrigated in spring. After four years,the salt contents in the surface soil of heavy salino-alkali wastelands in this area can decrease about 70%. By means of improvement,the change of the soil tested is notable. We are confident that forage cultivars experimented can be extended in Hetao irrigotion areas.
Grassland of China