From 1985 to 1989,we introduced and tested eight elite perennial forage cultivars-Awnless Brome(Bromus inermis), Siberian wildrye(Elymus sibericus), Leafy siberian wildrye,Tall siberian wildrye,Mongolian wheatgrass(Agropyron mongolicus),Alfalfa GN-1 and Alfalfa ZhD. Results indicate that the hay yield of alfalfa GN-1 is the highest one among them. The five-year-old alfalfa GN-1 plots can give 9.11t/ha. Meanwhile, the hay yield of Mongolian wheatgrass is the lowest. In fact,all of the above mentioned cultivars can produce mature seeds in this area. The four-year-old Tall Siberian wildrye plots can give 868.25kg of mature seeds per hectare. It is the highest yield of seed among them. The seed yields of the two alfalfa cultivars are about 150kg/ha,respectively. We noticed that the hay yields of the two legume cultivars tend to getting higher and higher in our plots.
Grassland of China