Experiments were carried out to study the ecological adaptability of pasture crops (Sweetclover——Melilotus suvaveolens, Common Vetch——Vicia saliva and Hairy vetch/Russian vetch——Vicia/Villosa)by means of geographic sowing by stages. The main conclusions are as follows: Sweet clover is a coolphilic, cold—tolerant, drought—enduring and heatresistant plant. It needs some high temperature (20~30℃)afterground covering. Hairy vetch and Common vetch are coolphilic, cold—tolerant, drought—enduring ones. Each of the three pasture crops when it was seeded in spring hashigher dry matter production than those seeded in summer,especiallg sweetclover. Spring seeded Sweetclover has the highest efficiency in using the climatic resources, and highest energy out put and crude protein productivity. The best cutting dates are those 20~30 days after the crop covered the ground for Sweetclover, 10~20 days after flowering for the Hairy vetch,and 0~30 days after flowering for the Common vetch.
Grassland of China