目的 研究辛芩片的平喘作用。方法 采用豚鼠整体引喘法,豚鼠肺溢流法测定辛芩片对豚鼠引喘潜伏期,肺溢流量的影响。结果 与空白溶媒组比较,辛芩片能显著延长引喘潜伏期(P<0.01),辛芩片(6 g·kg-1生药)可对抗组胺所致豚鼠肺溢流量的增加(P<0.05)。结论 辛芩片有一定的平喘作用。
OBJECTIVE To study anti - asthmatic effect of Xinqin tablets. METHODS The methods of the whole animal' s asthma and airoverflow of the lungs in guinea - pigs were employed to observe the latent period of asthma and airoverflow the level of lungs in guinea -pigs. RESULTS Compared with the control goup, Xinqin tablets could significantly prolong the latent period of asthma( P < 0. 01). Furth-more,Xinqin tablets(6 g·kg-1 crude drug)could inhibit the airoverflow level of the lungs in guinea - pigs caused by histamine( P < 0.05), CONCLUSION Xinqin tablet has anti - asthmatic effect.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences