绵阳30号是绵阳市农业学研究所以自创的优良种质绵阳01821为主要亲本,采用复合杂交方法育成的大穗型小麦新 品种。其主要特点是综合农艺性状优良,丰产性突出,穗大粒多,白皮大粒,商品性突出,适应市场需求。抗逆力强,稳产 性好,适应性广泛。粗蛋白质含量11.59%-11.79%,湿面筋含量20.1%-21.4%,沉降值13.1-15.0ml,面团稳定时间1.4-1.5 min,达到弱筋小麦品种标准。2003年通过国家品种审定,审定编号为国审麦2003001。
Large-spike wheat variety Mianyang 30 was bred by Mianyang Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences,selecting complex-cross with excellent idioplasmic Mianyang 01821 as central parent.The mainly characters were excellent composite agronomic characters;outstanding high yield;large and many kernels per-spike;white and big kernels;good commercial characters for adapting the market demand.It had strong resistance,steady high yield,abroad adaptability.The content of thick albumen was 11.59-11.79 percent.The content of wet gluten was 20.1-21.4 percent.The steady-going time of the paste was 1.4-1.5min,which reached the weak gluten standard.Mianyang 30 authorized by the country breed committee in 2003.The authorized NO. was 2003001.
Agriculture and Technology