高压水射流粉碎是一个对物料颗粒加压后再将压力释放的过程 ,在这一过程中由于颗粒受压存储的弹性应变能的迅速释放 ,使颗粒以拉应力形式破坏实现颗粒的压力释放粉碎。笔者的理论分析和实验研究表明 :当压力达到某一值后释放 ,可以实现颗粒的破裂粉碎 ;实现压力释放粉碎作用的应力低于材料的抗压强度 ,但高于材料的抗拉强度 ;而且压力越高 ,粉碎效果越好。该研究成果为探索高压水射流粉碎机理和粉碎实践提供了有力的依据。
High-pressure water jet comminution is an advanced method of comminution. It is indicated that the grains mixed in high pressure water are compressed by hydrau lic pressure, and the elastic strain energy stored is released rapidly as soon a s it is shot out; so high pressure water jet comminution is a process of compres sive stress release. The theoretical and experimental study shows that compressi ve stress released from grain could comminute the grain. The results provide cri teria for the study of the mechanism and practice in the high-pressure water je t comminution.
China Safety Science Journal