为北京铁路局各级防洪指挥部门 ,在汛期能够实时掌握所辖铁路范围内的降雨量情况 ,实现主动防洪 ,并做好铁路抗洪抢险准备工作 ,确保汛期铁路行车安全 ,笔者研究和开发了北京铁路局“降雨量远程实时监测系统”。概要介绍了系统软件的运行环境、数据库设计、系统功能以及系统达到的技术性能指标 ;重点分析了系统软件中数据的传输 ,以地理信息系统为平台的实时动态显示以及实时数据在Internet网上的发布技术 ;
For the purpose of Beijing Railway Bureau to know the real-time rainfall along the railway in summer, be ready in the case of flood, and assure the safety of r ailway running, the “Remote and Real Time Monitoring System of Rainfall” is de veloped. The running environment, the database, and the feature index of the sof tware system are introduced; the technologies of the data transferring, the data displaying based on GIS platform, and the data publishing in the Internet are e mphatically analyzed; and the application case in Beijing Railway Bureau is desc ribed.
China Safety Science Journal