This thesis has made a study of control and prevention-treatment standard for children aged 7-14in IDD area where no measure of iodized salt was taken. By means of correlative regression analysis and multiple correlative regression analysis, we discovered the close correlation between the UI and goiter rate FT4;TSH and IQ and notable linear action of regression equation as well.The regression equation demonstrated that when UI was up to 81ug/L, goiter rate was≤20%, FT_4≥11.Cng/L, TSH≤7.0mu/L and IQ≥70. Discussion held that only by keeping the children of IDD area up to the above-mentioned standard indexes,could they enjoy a normal intelligence developnm(?) ent. We, therefore, suggest that the above-mentioned indexes be taken as the control and prevention-treatment standard.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases