
基于MEMS技术的PDMS电泳微芯片的研制 被引量:2

Fabrication of PDMS Electrophoresis Microchip Based on MEMS Technology
摘要 介绍了一种基于MEMS技术的PDMS电泳微芯片,该芯片主要由三部分组成:集成了高压电极的玻璃基底、PDMS薄膜以及刻有微流路的PDMS板。利用lift off工艺,在玻璃基底上制作了为电泳分离提供高压的Pt电极。为了提高PDMS微芯片的密封效率,同时也为了保持微流路材料的一致性,通过挤压法首先在玻璃基底上形成了一层PDMS薄膜。电泳分离实验表明:在该微芯片上能够实现DNA片段的有效分离。 The fabrication of PDMS electrophoresis microchip based on MEMS technology is reported.The microchip is composed of glass substrate with integrated electrodes,a PDMS thin membrane and PDMS wafer with microchannel network.Pt electrodes,used to offer high electric field for driving electrophoresis separation,are fabricated on the glass wafer using lift-off process.To improve the sealing of PDMS microchip and ensure the uniformity of microchannel material,a PDMS membrane is first formed on glass substrate by pressing method.The experiments demonstrate that DNA separation can successfully achieved on this microchip.
出处 《微细加工技术》 2004年第1期58-61,共4页 Microfabrication Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(69936010) 国家自然科学基金重大项目(20299030)
关键词 MEMS技术 集成电极 电泳微芯片 DNA分离 聚二甲基硅氧烷 PDMS 微流体生物芯片 MEMS technology integrated electrodes electrophoresis microchip DNA separation PDMS
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