通过野外调查研究了白河沉水植物种类、群落类型、生物量及覆盖度 .探讨了白河流域沉水植被分布规律、特点 .结果表明 :沉水植物的分布受水深、水流速度、基质和pH值影响很大 .白河主要沉水植物群落类型有 9个 :菹草群落 (Form .Potamogetoncrispus) ,马来眼子菜群落 (Form .Potamogetonmalaianus) ,水毛茛群落 (Form .Najasminor) ,蓖齿眼子菜群落 (Form .Potamogetonpectinatus) ;狐尾藻群落 (Form .Myriophyllumspicatum) ;大茨藻群落 (Form .Najasmarina) ,穿叶眼子菜群落 (Form .Potamogetonperfoliatus) ,眼子菜群落 (Form .Potamogetondistinctus) ,黑藻群落 (Form .Hydrillaverticillata) .群落多样性指数较低 ,生物量和覆盖度亦较低 ,这与白河水体状况和所受干扰是密切相关的 .
By carrying out the investigation of Baihe river,we got the species, community type, biomass and cover rate of submersed vegetation,the distribution and character of plant are under analyed. The main results are:The siginificant association of water quality and distribution of submerged macrophytes was showed in this paper. The main submerged macrophytes community types are: Form.Potamogeton crispus; Form.Potamogeton malaianus; Form.Najas minor;Form.Potamogeton pectinatu; Form.Myriophyllum siicatum; Form.Najas.Marina;Form.Potamogeton perfoliatus;Form.Potamogeton distinctus;Form.Hydrilla verticillata.The biomass and cover rate of submersed vegetation in BaiHe was low, it was the result of harvesting activities.More over,the straegies for wetland protection are discussed in thps paper.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition
北京市科委:北京湿地环境生物多样性保护研究项目编号(H0 10 710 0 3 0 119)