在临界破裂速度下(圆板产生破裂的最小速度),对四种不同材料的薄金属圆板在具有不同圆锥半角的圆锥头子弹正冲击下的破裂模式进行了实验研究。发现,随着圆锥半角的增加,板的破裂模式分别有刺透型、花瓣型和剪切型。并且,对一种材料的板,存在一个临界转换半圆锥角,当ψ>ψ cc时,板为剪切型破坏,当ψ<ψ 时,子弹在冲击点处形成小孔。
∶At minimum rupture speed(speed for the impact),The modes of the rupture of a thin metal circle-plate acted by a conical-nosed missiles striking at its center is investigated by experiment.And there are the modes of rupˉture of piercing,petalling,plugging with different conical-nosed missiles.And to a certain target material,there exˉists a limit critical cone semi-angle ifψ>ψ ˇc ,when,the modes of rupture is plugging,ifψ<ψ ˇc ,the modes of rupˉture is piercing.
Journal of Maoming College