
中国地震烈度区划图(1990)及其说明 被引量:27

Seismic Intensity Zoning Map of China (1990) And Its Explanations
摘要 中国地震烈度区划图(1990)采用地震危险性概率分析方法编制,编制中充分考虑了我国地震活动的时、空非均匀性特征,对地震危险性分析方法做了重要改进。在地震活动特点和构造活动特点对比分析的基础上,先划分出26个地震带作为地震活动分析的统计单元,再进一步在地震带内划分潜在震源区,据此将全国划分为733个不同震级上限的潜在震源区。按各震级段地震资料的可信时期,求得地震带的地震重复率系数(b值),并根据对地震活动的时间不均匀性及空间不均匀性分析求得未来时间段的年发生率及其空间分布函数。采用分区烈度椭圆衰减模型,求得全国共约三万个点不同超越概率的烈度值,最后以50年超越概率为10%的风险水平给出1∶400万的中国地震烈度区划图。本图可作为中小工程的抗震设计依据、国土利用规划的基础资料以及制定减轻地震灾害对策的依据。 本图反映了我国八十年代的地震科学水平,也使我国工程建设的抗震设防进入概率设计阶段。 Seismic Intensity Zoning Map of China is compiled by adopting probabilistic method of the seismic hazard analysis. In compiling the map, the characteristics of inhomogeneity of earthquake distribution both in space and time in China are considered sufficiently, and some necessary modifications in the model of seismic hazard analysis are carried out. Based on the analysis of the seismic activity and seis-mo-tectonic environment, 26 seismic provinces are divided firstly as the statistic elements of the seis-micity analysis, then the seismic potential source areas are divided in the seismic provinces. 733 potential source areas with various upper magnitudes have been divided in the country. According to the reliable time domain of earthquake data with various magnitude intervals, the b values in magnitude-frequency relationship are calculated in the seismic provinces. According to the analysis of the inhomogeneity of seismicity distribution both in space and time, the earthquake annual average occurrence rates in future and seismic spatial distribution functions are obtained. Based on the ellipse intensity attenuation models of different regions,the earthquake intensity values with various probabilities of ex-ceedance are calculated for about 30,000 controlling points for the whole country. On the basis of those studies, the seismic intensity zoning map (scale with 1 : 4000,000) is compiled with 10 percent of probability of exceedance during a period of 50 years.This zoning map can be applied to earthquake resistant design of small and medium civil engineering buildings, programs of national land use, the countermeasure for earthquake disaster mitigation and protection.
出处 《中国地震》 CSCD 北大核心 1992年第4期1-11,共11页 Earthquake Research in China
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