The simplest NMS flow is a polar flow formed by an attractive periodic orbit and a repulsive periodic orbit as limit sets. In this paper we show that the only orientable, simple, compact, 3-dimensional manifolds without boundary that admit an NMS flow with none or one saddle periodic orbit are lens spaces. We also see that when a fattened round handle is a connected sum of tori, the corresponding flow is also a trivial connected sum of flows.
The simplest NMS flow is a polar flow formed by an attractive periodic orbit and a repulsive periodic orbit as limit sets. In this paper we show that the only orientable, simple, compact, 3-dimensional manifolds without boundary that admit an NMS flow with none or one saddle periodic orbit are lens spaces. We also see that when a fattened round handle is a connected sum of tori, the corresponding flow is also a trivial connected sum of flows.
Partially supported by PB97-0394(DGES)
Partially supported by P1B99-09(Convenio Bancaja-Universitat Jaume I)