为了寻求理想的输尿管替代材料 ,采用生化方法制备了一种新型的组织工程材料细胞外基质 (Extra-cellular Matrix ,ECM) ,并用于替代同种异体输尿管缺损 ,结果表明 ECM很好的促进了缺损组织的再生 ,替代术后 16周再生组织的形态与功能已与正常组织无明显差异。
This is an experiment on rabbits to evaluate the possibility of ureteral replacement by extracellular matrix. We adopted a biochemical method for preparing a new tissue engineering material named Extracellular Matrix(ECM), and the ECMs were used as homologous grafts to replace the defect in the ureters.Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, immunohistochemical technique and intravenous urography were used. The routine blood and biochemical laboratory tests were made before and after operation, and the measured values of pressure in the ureter of experiment and control groups were compared. The ureteral ECM was found in the experiment to promote the regeneration of all ureteral wall components. There were no significant differentces between the regenerative tissue and the normal tissue in morphology and function 16 weeks after replacement. The homologous ECM might be an ideal replacement material for ureteral defect.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering