分析了中、西医肝病临床治疗慢性乙型肝炎的现状 ,着重探讨了中医药在防治乙肝中的优势和不足。指出多数医生存在对乙肝发病机制认识模糊、不能提供合理的治疗方案和研究方法欠科学等三个误区。倡导用循证医学方法对中医药防治乙肝的疗效进行评价。
We analyze the status-quo of chronic hepatitis B treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine, especially clarify the strong and weak points of its prevention and treatment by Traditional Chinese Medicine. We also point out there are some misunderstandings in some physicians treating chronic liver diseases at present. Firstly, this understanding in the pathogenesis of hepatitis B is not absolutely correct. Secondly, the therapeutic play he puts forward is imperfectly reasonable. Thirdly, the research method he chooses is incompletely scientific and objective. We consider that the method of Evidence-based Medicine deserve recommendation in order to enhance the prevention and treatment effect of hepatitis B.
Medicine and Philosophy