目的 :了解初中学生家庭亲密度及适应性与行为问题的关系。 方法 :采用整群、分层、随机抽样方法 ,抽取珠海市 4所中学的初一至初三学生 12 2 3名 ,男 6 38名 ,女 5 85名 ,采用Achenbach儿童行为量表 (CBCL) ,对家长或监护人进行调查 ,以及采用家庭亲密度和适应性量表中文版 (FACESⅡ CV)对初中学生进行调查。 结果 :初中生行为问题总检出率为 13.7% ,有行为问题学生的家庭亲密度及适应性得分比无行为问题学生显著为低 ,行为问题因子与家庭亲密度及适应性间存在相关性。 结论 :家庭亲密度及适应性是初中学生的行为问题的重要影响因素 。
Objective:To explore the relationship between family cohesion and adaptability and behavior problems of (junior) middle-school students. Method:By using cluster,stratified and random sampling,1 223 middle-school students (638 boys and 585 girls)ranged from grade one to grade three in 4 middle schools of Zhuhai city were investigated with Achenbach child behavior check list(CBCL),and their parents or other family members with FACES Ⅱ-CV. Results:13.7% students were found having behavior problem.The scores of CBCL were lower significantly in the students with behavior problem than in the students without behavior problem.Behavior problem factor was correlated with family cohesion and adaptability. Conclusion:Family cohesion and adaptability is one of the most important factors affecting the behavior problems of middle-school students, which should not be ignored when carrying out prevention and interference.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
广东珠海市卫生局科研资助项目 ( 10 82 66)
Behavior problem
(Junior) Middle-school students
Family cohesion and adaptability