目的 :了解海洛因依赖者在脱毒过程中伪装和制造疾病的原因和临床表现。 方法 :对符合中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第 2版修订本有关诈病诊断标准的海洛因依赖者进行回顾性研究。 结果 :发现 2 2 1例诈病 ,发生率 4 .6 % ,以青年男性、未婚、初中以下文化、无业占多数 ,吸毒时间长、多药滥用、涉嫌违法犯罪问题者较多。其动机依次是企图逃避法律惩罚、企图提前解除强戒、骗取成瘾药物、受人唆使胁迫等。方式有说谎、伪装、造伤等。 结论 :海洛因依赖诈病者较多 。
Objective:To study the clinical features and its impactive factors of heroin addicts with malingering. Method:Heroin addicts were surveyed during their compulsory detoxification to find out their mental status and further study was conducted on those who were diagnosed to have malingering according to CCMD-2-R. Results:Results showed that the 221 cases heroin addicts(4.6%)suffered from severe malingering.The majority of them were young,unmarried and unemployed male.The characteristics of heroin addicts including :the year of heroin dependence were increasing;polydrug abuse was serious and more drug varieties appeared;more heroin dependence related crimes occurred.Most of them wanted to escape from punishment of law by malingering. Conclusion:Heroin addicts are easy to accompany with malingering.More attention should be paid to this problem.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry