提出了一种新的纹理概念 ,指出纹理是地物目标光谱空间到二维投影空间的映射模式 ,以表述多波段影像或高光谱影像的纹理 ,并蕴含了单波段或黑白影像纹理概念。同时 ,提出了实现空间映射的几种编码方式 ,即基于光谱相似性分析的编码、基于光谱空间密度分析的编码、以影像主成份分析为基础的编码、空间相关性的编码等五种方法。
This paper proposes a new concept of remote sensed image, which can be considered as the mapping mode of the spectral space for ground features to the projective space that is two-dimensional imaging space. This concept can express well the texture information in multi-spectral and super-dimensional images, as well as that in single band image or black-white images. In order to analyze the texture information in multi-spectral and super-dimensional images, a necessary way is the coding for spectral vector of every pixel with all the spectral information. The texture of multi-spectral and super-dimensional images is based upon that kind of coding. Several approaches have been proposed for the coding of spectral vector: the coding based on the spectral similarity, the coding based on the density analysis of spectral space, the coding based on the image analysis of principal components, etc. The result of texture classifications based on one way of coding has been given out to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (4 0 3 710 79)