
原生动物门梨形四膜虫的无水热解实验产物及伽马蜡-2-烯的检出 被引量:4

Anhydrous pyrolysate of the Tetrahymena phriformis (Protozoa) and the detection of gammacer-2-ene
摘要 在原生动物门梨形四膜虫的无水热解模拟实验产物中,可溶有机质含量丰富,氯仿抽提物含量高达17.5%,其中总烃相对含量可达8.99%;烷烃馏分主要以具有奇碳数正烷烃优势和植烷优势,CPI值达1.2,Pr/Ph比值仅0.42,含有γ-和β-胡萝卜烷以及异常丰富的伽马蜡-2-烯和伽马蜡烷等生物标志物为特征,从而表明梨形四膜虫生存于还原性的咸水环境,热解产物仍然处于未成熟阶段。热解模拟实验的结果不仅再次证实梨形四膜虫仍不失为伽马蜡烷的一种主要的生源母质,而且还验证了由四膜虫醇脱水,形成中间产物伽马蜡-2-烯,以及加氢产物伽马蜡烷的成岩作用演化过程。据此还对前人提出的两种伽马蜡烷成因机理作了对比性的讨论。 In the anhydrous pyrolysis products of the Tetrahymena phriformis (Protozoa), extractable organic matter (EOM) is abundant, the chloroform extract accounts for 17.5 %of the aliphatic fraction, in which total hydrocarbon fractions are up to 8.99%. The aliphatic fraction is also characterized by a predominance of odd carbon number n alkanes, a low pristine to phytane ratio (0.42), γ and β carotanes, abundant gammacer 2 ene and gammacerane as well as a predominance of C27 sterane in the regular sterane series. The results of anhydrous pyrolysis not only reconfirm that the Tetrahymena phriformis is an important biological source for gammacerane, but also have simulated the diagenetic evolution course from tetrahymanol, through gammacer 2 ene, to gammacerane, and thus, verifying the previous inference on the genetic mechanism of gammacerane.
出处 《地球化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期147-151,共5页 Geochimica
关键词 无水热解实验 梨形四膜虫 四膜虫醇 伽马蜡-2-烯 伽马蜡烷 anhydrous pyrolysis Tetrahymena phriformis tetrahymanol gammacer 2 ene gammacerane
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