以不同剂量的60 Coγ射线照射小麦鄂恩 4号干种子 ,测定了不同剂量对小麦M1代的影响。结果表明 ,在 2 5 0~ 4 0 0Gy范围内 ,随着剂量的增加 ,小麦种子的出苗率、成株率降低 ,不育率升高 ,株高、每穗小穗总数、每穗结实小穗数、每穗粒数减少 ,千粒重降低。株高及穗部性状的辐射损伤效应顺序为 :千粒重>每穗粒数 >株高 >每穗结实小穗数 >每穗小穗总数。
The dry seed of wheat E-en No.4 were radiated by different doses of ^(60)Co γ-rays and the radiation effect on M_1 was measured.The result reveals: With the increasing of doses within 250~400Gy, the germination rate of wheat decrease, the percentage of sterility rises, as well as plant height, total spikelets, fruiting spikelets, number of grains per ear and 1000-grain weight decrease. The order of radiation damage of plant height and the ear is: 1000- grain weight>number of grains per ear>plant height>fruiting number of spikelets per ear>total spikelets per ear.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
湖北省"九五"重大科技计划项目 (962P0 5 0 3 )