
高比强多孔铝合金中空层合圆管的压缩性能 被引量:2

Performance of hollow cylindrical sandwich with high specific strength porous Al alloy core under compression
摘要 研制了高比强多孔铝合金中空层合圆管,测试了层合圆管的压缩应力—应变曲线,并研究了其性能。结果表明:层合圆管的压缩形变过程经历3个阶段,即线弹性阶段、屈服平台阶段和紧实阶段;紧实应变可用多孔铝合金的紧实应变表示;由应力—应变曲线计算出层合圆管的能量吸收性能,发现其吸收能量超过铝合金空管和中空多孔铝合金吸收能量之和;同时其吸能效率高于60%。 The hollow cylindrical sandwich with high specific strength porous Al alloy core was prepared. The stress-strain curves of the sandwich were measured and the properties of hollow cylindrical sandwich were investigated. The results show that the stress-strain curves of the sandwich consist of elasticity, collapse plateau and densification segments.The densification strain of the hollow cylindrical sandwich can be expressed by using that of porous Al alloy. The energy absorption property was obtained from the stress-strain curves. The energy absorption capacity is higher than the sum of that of the Al alloy tube and the porous Al alloy core. The energy absorption efficiency is higher than 60%.
出处 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期385-390,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50231010 90205005)
关键词 高比强多孔铝合金 中空层合圆管 压缩 吸能能力 吸能效率 high specific strength porous Al alloy hollow cylindrical sandwich compression energy absorption ability energy absorption efficiency
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