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3Karl W Deutseh and Sidney A Burrell, et al, Political Community and the North Atlantic Areas: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957,pp.5-6.
4Deutsch and Burrell, Political Community and the North Atlantic Areas, pp.5-6, 30-31.
5Deutsch and Burrell, Political Community and the North Atlantic Areas, pp.31-32.
6Raimo Vayrynen,"Stable Peace Through Security Communities?Steps Towards Theory-Building ",http://www.nd.edu/ekrocinst/ocpapers/op-18-3.pdf.
7Deutsch, "Security Community", in James N Rosenan(ed.), International Politic and Foreign Polity, New York: Free Press,1961, p. 99.
8Deutseh, Political Community at the International Level:Problems of Measurement and Definition Archon Bools, 1970, pp.33-34.
9Ole Weaver,"Insecurity ,Security ,and Asecurity in the West European Non-war Security ",in Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett(ed.),Security Communities,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998,p.71.
10Deutsch and BurreU, Polltical Community and the Noah Atlantic Areas, pp.43 - 161.