《西游记》写了孙悟空是海洋之子 ,写其保唐僧西游取经的同时 ,频频东顾大海 ,寻求观音、龙王的救助 ,回花果山休息 ,有着浓重的海洋情结。西游是其心灵的磨难与历练 ,东顾是其本性的自由和回归 ,海洋是他自由无拘、祥瑞和谐的精神港湾和家园 ,西游与东顾揭示了他精神矛盾的对立统一。《西游记》的海洋情结与秦汉方士、传统佛教、道教对海天佛国、海上仙山的幻想神往的思维定势有关 ;是明代海路交通的发达及远洋能力强大的体现 ,是明人云帆高张、乘风破浪、意气昂扬的时代精神与宏伟气度的反映 ;与作者生长在靠海的地方 ,热爱海洋有关 ;与观音和龙王文化区域的东移至海洋有关。《西游记》的海洋情结对明代《东游记》
The son of the sea, Monkey King has strong oceanic complexity, on his way west, often come back for help from the Buddism Guanyin and the Dragon King , to rest in Huaguo Hill .Traveling west , the tempering of his soul, looking back; his true and free nature; the ocean ,the auspicious and harmonious harbor of his freedom . Traveling west and looking back reflects his psychological conflicts. The oceanic complex in Journal West has been partly influenced by the longings for the paradise on the sea of the Buddism and Daoism of the Ming Dynasty. It reflected the advanced oceanic traveling ability, the high and grand spirit of the Ming Dynasty. The oceanic complex reflects author's love of the ocean, the moving east of the Buddism Guanyin and the Dragon King culture.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)