美国著名女诗人西尔维亚·普拉斯(SylviaPlath)被誉为“一个超现实的、富于幻想的 ,极具古典气质的女英雄”。她的诗集前卫、狂野和微妙于一身 ,耐人寻味。女性体验是普拉斯诗歌创作的重要主题 ,对这一主题的书写表达了普拉斯既有女性的浪漫与敏感 ,又兼备了女性少有的率直与勇敢。普拉斯的生活融入了她的诗 ,她在诗中描写了一系列具有不同女性的女性形象 ,并对女性在不同的生命阶段与其周围人 ,特别是男性的微妙关系作了文学阐释。她的人生是短暂的 ,她对女性的书写也是悲观的 ,甚至是宿命的。但是 ,作为美国历史上最著名的女诗人之一 。
American poetess Sylvia Plath has been entitled 'one of those super-real, hypnotic, great classical heroines'. Her poetry, the mixture of pioneer styles, wild ideas and subtle expressions, deserves careful reading. Female experience is one of her important themes, and Plath's expression of it is both romantic and sentimental, bold yet honest. Plath has integrated her life into her poetry by depicting different kinds of women and their delicate relationship with men in their lives. Her brief life has added a touch of pessimism and even fatalism to her heroines. But she is still remembered as one of the greatest American poets for her unique writing styles and her courageous female emotional exploration.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)