带短线路的直流背靠背输电系统在跨国联网输电中有着重要意义。介绍了以电磁暂态程序ATP EMTP和EMTDC为计算工具、建立计算模型、分析东南亚某两国之间一条带有短线路的"背靠背"±300kVHVDC输电线路的全电压起动过电压的模拟计算情况。模拟结果显示,全电压起动过电压达到1 8pu,和传统的背靠背线路相比,这种线路的全电压起动过电压更高;和长线路相比,其过电压也比长线路的略高。模拟计算结果对我国今后的跨国联网输电线路的建设和运行具有一定的参考价值。
Back-to-back HVDC systems with short transmission lines are widely used in international networking of power systems between countries.The full-voltage-starting overvoltages of a 'back-to-back' ±300 kV HVDC transmission line between two southeast Asian countries are analyzed in this paper.A computational model of the system is created,and the ATP-EMTP and EMTDC software is employed as computational tools.The results show that the overvoltages will rocket to 1.8 pu., which is higher than that of traditional back-to-back transmission systems.some factors that affect the overvoltages are also discussed.The results could provide for reference in the operation of HVDC networking transmission systems.
East China Electric Power