美国于 1895年从中国东北地区引进结缕草 ,后又从中国、朝鲜和南亚地区引入 10多种结缕草。自 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,美国由于环境胁迫和病害严重 ,造成了过渡带气候区冷季型草坪草质量下降 ,引起了暖季型草坪草 (特别是结缕草栽培种 )应用的增加 ,他们将选育出的许多结缕草品种广泛种植于南方和过渡带气候区。然而中国却在 1990年后从美国购买大批量的冷季型草坪草草籽种植于几乎所有的城市 ,出现了诸多问题。借鉴历史事实 。
Zoysia japonica Steud.was first introduced to USA from the northeast part of China in 1895.After that,more than 10 species of Zoysia grasses were introduced from China,Korea and other South-Asia areas.Since 1980s,the warm-season turfgrasses,particularly Zoysiagrass cultivars,have been increasingly used because of the decline in quality of the cool-season turfgrasses as a result of environmental stresses and diseases in the transition regions between cool and warm climates in USA.Several types of new Zoysia grass cultivars have been selected,bred,and planted in the South and transition regions in USA.On the other hand,China has been importing large quantities of the cool-season turfgrass seeds from USA since 1990s and planted them in almost every city in the country.Many problems with the cool-season turfgrasses have recently surfaced in China.This paper will discuss the valuable lessons that other countries have learned,and will offer suggestions for the development of the domestic industrialization of turfgrasses in China.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica
浙江省科技厅科技计划资助项目 ( 2 0 0 3C 3 0 0 17)