A cohort study of 7849 workers employedduring 1972 to 1974 at Da-Chang mines andLi-Mu mine in Guangxi was conducted andseveral adverse factors in workplace weremeasured. The results showed that mortalityof all cause of death was 632.7/100,000 withSMR=1. 11, 95% CI=1.03~1.19, which wasslightly higher than that expected based onthe national general mortality rates. Cancerdeaths accounted for 39.3% of total deaths,and ranked the first place in all causes ofdeath. The second cause of death was cere-brovascular and heart diseases. The risk ofcancer was significantly elevated (SMR=1.56), primarily due to lung cancer, livercancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer. 32.1of the cancer was lung cancer (SMR=1.98).SMRs for liver cancer and nasopharyngealcancer were 1.79 and 3.71 respectively. Thefindings also suggested that the high risk oflung cancer for Da-Chang miners was sign-ificantly related to high dust exposure andrespirable arsenic concentration.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine