目的 分析广西 1980~ 1997年流动人口疟疾监测结果 ,为制定控制措施提供依据。 方法 对往返于区内外疟疾流行区的工地和农林矿场等的流动人口进行血检 ,疟原虫阳性者 ,给于根治。 结果 1980~ 1997年共血检流动人口 881187人 ,阳性率为 2 82 % ,其中发热病人阳性率为 4 3 5 % ,占阳性病例总数 96 5 6% ;而外出回归人群阳性数则占病例总数 80 5 1%。 结论 在抓好流动人口疟疾防治工作中 ,关键是重点做好外出疟疾高发区的工地与农林矿场等地回归的发热病人的疟疾监测。
Objective To analyze the results of malaria surveillance of mobile population in Guangxi in 1980~1997 and provide scientific basis for making control measures. Methods The molile population working in the construction sites,farms, mines etc.floating in and out of the region were surveyed by blood examination and positives for malaria parasites were radically treated. Results From the period of 1980~1997 a total of 881 187 mobile populations were examined with a positive rate of 2.82%. The positive rate in feverish patients was 4.35% accounting for 86.5% of the total positive cases. While the number of positives detected from returned people accounted for 80.51% of the total cases. Conclusion Stress should be put on the surveillance of returned mobile population working in high malaria endemic areas.
China Tropical Medicine