目的 探讨 67例慢性咳嗽患者的病因。 方法 按照慢性咳嗽解剖学诊断程序 ,详细询问持续咳嗽 4周以上的患者的现病史及既往史 ,仔细作体格检查和胸部和鼻窦X线检查。 结果 67例慢性咳嗽患者中 ,鼻后滴漏综合征 3 1例 ( 4 6 2 7% ) ,变异性哮喘 13例 ( 19 40 % ) ,胃食道反流综合征 5例 ( 7 46% ) ,鼻后滴漏综合征 +变异性哮喘6例 ( 8 96% ) ,慢性支气管炎 5例 ( 7 46% ) ,支气管扩张 4例 ( 5 97% ) ,鼻窦骨瘤、囊肿各 1例 ( 2 99% ) ,原因不明 1例( 1 49% )。 结论 慢性咳嗽由多种病因引起 ,通过解剖学诊断程序基本可以明确诊断 ,治疗可获得满意的效果。
Objective To discuss the cause of chronic cough in 67 cases. Methods The patients with present and past cough histories of over 4 weeks were based on the anatomically diagnostic procedures for chronic cough interviewed and chest and X-ray examination of chest and sinus of nose were also performed. Results Of the 67 cases,31(46.2%) were shown to be with postnasal drip syndrome (PNDS),asthma occurred in 13 cases(19.40%),5 cases(7.46%) with gastroesophageal reflux(GER),6 cases(8.96%) were found to be with PDDS+astma,chronic bronchitis occurred in 5 cases(7.46%),bronchiectasis occurred in 4 cases(5.97%),osteoma,cyst of nasal sinus and unknown cause each were observed in one case,respectively(3.39%). Conclusion Chronic cough may occur due to a multiple causes and the patients can be diagnosed by anatomical diagnostic procedures for chronic cough and cured.
China Tropical Medicine