就吴地学风而言 ,其本土学者多因循其家学 ,以汉代以来流行之今文经学为主 ,学风偏于保守 ;而汉末流迁江东的侨寓学者则多习古文经学或今古文并修 ,这是当时中原地区的主流学风 ,对江东学风的变革有一定的推动作用。只有全面了解侨、土学者学风的异同 。
As far as the style of study of Sun Wu is concerned, the native scholars mostly followed their paternal teaching and influence focusing mainly on study of Confucian classics in popular literature which prevailed since the Han Dynasty, and had conservative tendency. Whereas the scholars who migrated to Jiang Dong Area usually studied and learned study of Confucian classics in classical literature, or they studied both popular and ancient literature. This is the mainstream style in central plains which promoted the transformation of Jiang Dong's style of study to some extent.
Collected Papers of History Studies